SIGNATURE: Your hand moving in a signature-like style on a digital or physical version of the form. DO NOT TYPE YOUR NAME or type your name in a cursive font to make it look like a signature. That is not a signature.
READ ALL DIRECTIONS: When submitting the forms, they must be signed with signatures. All signatures must be dated. You cannot type your name or type your parent's name because that is NOT a signature. You must sign it electronically or physically; it must be done by hand. Signing a document does not include typing. If you do not submit signatures done by hand (electronically or physically) your account will not be approved. You will need to redo the forms entirely.
1) Before you begin filling out this form, ensure that both the student and the parent are present. This form must be filled out jointly by the student and the parent. The student and the parent should use the same website account and both of them should know the password.
2) Please create an NSDA and Tabroom account for the student. The email that you use for this website should be THE SAME email as those accounts. The email should be a NON-MUSD EMAIL. You will receive further instructions as to how to enroll in the Milpitas High School roster after your account on the website is approved.
3) The parent and student must fill out the field trip waiver and turn it in digitally and physically. Please upload a PDF of the signed form and attach it below, using this website to compress the PDF if necessary. Also, make sure to print out the signed form and turn it in to Mr.Schletzbaum in L19.
4) The parent and student also must fill out the consent form and ONLY turn it in DIGITALLY. Please upload a PDF of the signed form and attach it below, using this website to compress the PDF if necessary.
5) Please review your information. The field trip waiver and consent form are both mandatory. Please make sure you are not submitting blank documents.
By registering an account on this website, you consent to receiving emails from [email protected]
To stop receiving the emails, please change your account status from 'Member' to 'Alumni'